Pricing & Features
Flexible and cost-efficient, Comissio offers an insurance commission solution with the features you need.
Simple Hierarchy
Multi-level Hierarchy
$249 + .5% monthly*
$499 + 1% monthly*
Calculate commission based on contract and agency’s two-level hierarchy structure
Calculate commission based on contract and agency’s complex/multi-level hierarchy structure
Flexible Pay Code and Pay Schedule for policies
Flexible Pay Code and Pay Schedule for policies
Maintain an accurate agent and agency balance
Maintain an accurate agent and agency balance
Calculate advance commissions, adjustments, and chargebacks for agencies with two level hierarchy structure
Calculate advance commissions, adjustments, and chargebacks for agencies with complex/multi-level hierarchy structure
Create alternate upline and alternate contract for an agent
Create alternate upline and alternate contract for an agent
Define unlimited hierarchy and contract levels for the broker and agencies within the organization
Single Agent
$99 monthly
Calculate agent’s commission based on insurance carrier contracts
Flexible Pay Code and Pay Schedule for policies
Maintain an accurate agent and agency balance
Calculate advance commissions, adjustments, and chargebacks
Create alternate contract
Simple Hierarchy
$249 + .5% monthly*
Calculate commission based on contract and agency’s two-level hierarchy structure
Flexible Pay Code and Pay Schedule for policies
Maintain an accurate agent and agency balance
Calculate advance commissions, adjustments, and chargebacks for agencies with two level hierarchy structure
Create alternate upline and alternate contract for an agent
Multi-level Hierarchy
$499 + 1% monthly*
Calculate commission based on contract and agency’s complex/multi-level hierarchy structure
Flexible Pay Code and Pay Schedule for policies
Maintain an accurate agent and agency balance
Calculate advance commissions, adjustments, and chargebacks for agencies with complex/multi-level hierarchy structure
Create alternate upline and alternate contract for an agent
Define unlimited hierarchy and contract levels for the broker and agencies within the organization
Highly performant and scalable commission system in a true multi-tenant cloud-based platform (calculate commission for hundreds of thousands of policy transactions in matter of minutes)
Dynamically manage your commission structures and payouts for multiple carriers/issuers and product lines from a single portal.
The ability to process new and recurring business for multiple carriers/issuers and product lines in a single commission cycle.
Generate a detailed and consolidated statement for agents of new and recurring business for multiple carriers/issuers and product lines.
* Added percentage is the gross commission processed by Comissio